Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Blog - Let's see how long this one lasts

I believe this is either the third or fourth blog I've started. I guess when I start a new chapter in my life, I really want to start a new blog (?).

This morning, among the other squirrels running around in my brain, I decided I needed to blend the three compartmentalized journals I have into one. Yes, I have three. And each one rotates in its rank of importance in my life throughout the seasons.

One is my quick journal at the end of the day: a synopsis of how my day went. Its intention is to be a review of how I felt throughout the day and why, but when I'm really tired, or avoiding my feelings, it's just a play by play of stuff I did (or didn't do). The second is a journal of what I ate and how I worked out for the day, along with a few other 'good things' I do for my well-being. The third journal is my career musings journal - my birthing journal. This one is more theoretical than functional. I have a lovely leather-bound book given to me many moons ago and has only a few thoughts/ideas at the moment. I will continue to use it like a sketch book, catching ideas and inspiration before and after each birth I attend.

Today's musings are primarily based around my growing frustration about the extra weight I can't seem to shake. This summer, for the first time since I have been paying attention, I did not lose the winter weight like I always do. It could be a number of factors, but I'm focusing on the ones I feel I can tackle. Since I was very active this summer, riding my bike to work, running, hiking, etc, I have determined it is my food intake and (AND!!) my changing hormone levels. In the last 6 months, I have felt some pretty significant mood swings, along with rushes of adrenaline (aka: panic attacks), and with certain family members having diabetes, a new attention to how sugars affect my overall well-being. I've been reading a lot about hormones and how your food affects a number of them. Ironically, as a woman and a midwife-to-be, one of the chapters I performed the poorest on in my Anatomy & Physiology class was the chapter on the female reproductive tract, and hormones in particular. Hormones are their own very important and hugely complex messenger system in our bodies (men and women alike!). But, more on that down the road...

I am aware that my hoovering down of food after supper (yes, after) is a huge problem. I'm trying to remedy that by knitting and putting on a pot of tea as soon as I bring my supper dishes into the kitchen. And as always, working on incorporating exercise into my daily routine in some way, shape or form.
The following is a peek at my 'good things' list.
Weigh In
Drink 8 glasses H2O
Eat Healthy
 ABWORK/Resistance Tng
stop eating 2 hrs before bed
Read 20 minutes
Wash Face

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